In response to the current issues on fake news, the Safety, Security, Environment, Disaster Mitigation, and Management Office (SSEDMMO) of Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U), collaborated with the Public Information and Communications Office (PICO), in conducting a forum on “Addressing the Spread of False Information and its Impact on our University.”

The forum which was attended by student leaders and selected students from the different Colleges of ISAT U Iloilo City Campus, discussed recognition of fake news. Jephthah C. Sustituido, Information Officer I of the Public Information and Communications Office differentiated “Misinformation” from “Disinformation.” According to him, fake news can usually be identified through misleading headlines, and through fake news websites.

On the other hand, Rommel Griffith P. Habaradas, PICO Information Officer I, discussed the approved policy on Social Media Governance. This policy oversees all the ISAT U accredited social media accounts. Habaradas clarified the role of PICO behind the fear of some organizations that it may cause suppression of freedom of press and of speech. According to him, PICO’s role is on monitoring and oversight of these social media accounts. It will be more concerned on content alignment, standardization, and risk management.

Mr. Vincent Rhiyn S. Amalay, Head of the Students Discipline Office, introduced the sanctions to be given to students who spread fake news. This sanctions do not mean to punish students but to help them manage their accounts properly to avoid misuse of their privilege and freedom of speech.
The discussion concluded with an open forum highlighting the awareness of combatting fake news and their role in maintaining the branding of each social media accounts accredited by the Public Information and Communications Office.