Dr. Dureza is one of the nine(9) presenters from seven countries ( India, Malaysia, Korea, Thailand, Australia, the Philippines, Hongkong).
Prof. Rosanna Dureza, a Natural Science faculty and ISAT U Community Environmental Group member, presented the school’s active participation in Project ReBUILD during the 4th East Asia Summit Technical and Vocational Education Training (EAS TVET) Provider’s Network Conference 2017 and Korean Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training – UNEVOC- Office of the Vocational Education Commission OVEC (KRIVET-UNEVOC-OVEC) Capacity Building Workshop.
The ISAT U community engagement towards climate change resiliency as a major component of Project ReBUILD was presented at Bangkok, Thailand on November 27-30, 2017.
Prof. Dureza highlighted the project’s concept of forging a community engagement with the municipality of Zarraga, Iloilo’s objective to accomplish its local climate change action plan. Eighty-five percent of its population is vulnerable to flood during storm occurrence and heavy rains. ISAT U was one of the institutions chosen as partner of the municipality of Zarraga, Iloilo. Project ReBUILD is on pilot implementation in Region VI (Zarraga, Passi City and Duenas, Iloilo) and in Region II (Municipality of Enrile and Iguig in Cagayan).
Dureza said that Project ReBUILD, funded by UNDP and the New Zealand Aid Program, aimed to develop capacity building to reduce disaster risks from climate change and natural hazards. It is also in accordance with the Communities for Resilience (CORE) Program implemented by the Philippine Climate Change Commission. One of the salient features of CORE Program is to build partnership, adopt tested tools and methodologies and harmonize different approaches from various sectors including the academe. “The ISAT U initiative is relevant to the present situation of other TVET member countries affected by climate change,” Prof. Dureza added.

Prof Rosanna R. Dureza with Dr. Shyamal Majumdar, Director of UNESCO-UNEVOC.
Organized by KRIVET and OVEC and supported by the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre and the Ministry of Education – Government of Thailand, the main aim of the workshop is to develop the capacities of the UNEVOC and EAS Networks in Greening TVET initiatives.
The greening TVET and addressing global environmental issues are factors that could lead to sustainable economic growth and increase new employment opportunities in particular for youth.
Iloilo Science and Technology University was among the 14 participating UNEVOC Centres in the region. Other participating UNEVOC Centres were: Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia; Ministry of Labour and Human Resources, Bhutan; Shenzen Polytechnic and the Education University of Hong Kong, China; Ministry of Education, National Heritage, Culture & Arts, Fiji; PSSCIVE, India; Instructor Training Centre & Technical and Vocational Researches (ITC), Iran; Department, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection,, Mongolia; Ministry of Education, Myanmar; Korean Council for University College Education and KRIVET, Republic of Korea; National University of Samoa,Samoa; Office of the Vocational Education Commission(OVEC), Thailand.