After the Commission on Higher Education confirmed the new president and officiated his oath of office, Iloilo Science and Technology University President Dr. Raul F. Muyong turned over the Presidency to Dr. Gabriel M. Salistre, Jr. on August 4, 2023. This took place after the Board of Regents had spoken in the latest search for the 2nd University President of ISAT U.
The mace, which symbolizes the authority of the university president and the source of his power to administer the university, was handed over by Dr. Muyong to Dr. Salistre. Dr. Muyong whose term ended on that same day, August 4, 2023, was the last College President of WVCST and its first University President when it was converted into a University and became Iloilo Science and Technology University or ISAT U.

Dr. Salistre became the 2nd University President of ISAT U and will serve a four-year term. In his acceptance speech, the new president put emphasis on upholding Dr. Muyong’s legacy that no campus will be left behind. He also promised that his administration will advocate transparency. Dr. Salistre who is a God-fearing person believes he was put in the position for a purpose. However, he encouraged everyone to work hand in hand with him because the success of the university does not only depend on the university president but as well as with the faculty, the non-teaching personnel, and the whole ISAT U community.

The simple turn-over ceremony was attended by CHED Regional Director Dr. Raul C. Alvarez, Jr., the Board of Regents, family and friends of Dr. Salistre, faculty, non-teaching personnel, barangay officials of Barangay Burgos, La Paz and the rest of ISAT U community.