Iloilo Science and Technology University welcomed five international students as participants to its Students Exchange Program on August 22, 2023. The students from Germany, Thailand and Japan made their courtesy call with the University President, Dr. Gabriel M. Salistre, Jr. right after the ASEAN Month Celebration program.
The Student Exchange participants are composed of individuals from the AFS Philippine Program, Sea- Teacher Project and Jasso Scholarship. These students joined classes in ISAT U for immersion and for international credit transfer program. For the AFS Philippine Program, the participant, Louissa Mottl, attended several classes in the University as immersion and stayed from August 17, 2023 until January 9, 2024. Nawaporn Srichai and Rinrada Sanguanpracha, both from Chiang RaiRabhat University (CRRU) in Thailand, had the chance to practice teaching at Colegio del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus from Auguxst 16, 2023 until September 12, 2023. Meanwhile the two Japanese students, Monato Hoki (BSECE) and Ryoma Fuchi (BSEE), observed classes and laboratory experiments in ISAT U for 32 days which started on August 20 until September 21, 2023.

The two students from Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia, came as the 2nd batch of Sea-Teacher participants. The Indonesian Education Students, Muhammad Husein Arafat and Muhammad Ilham Faturrahim had their classes from September 16 to October 14, 2023. These two had the privilege to have teaching experience with the junior high schools students at the Laboratory School of ISAT U.
Meanwhile two students from Universitas PGRI Madiun (UNIPMA), another ISAT U’s partner in Indonesia, enrolled a number of specific courses from ISAT U which are being offered for the first semester (September 6, 2023 – January 6, 2024). Sherun Norma Azzahra (BEED) and Daffa Mahendra (BSED Science) earned units from ISAT U and acknowledged by UNIPMA. Three other students from UNIPMA were also deployed in ISAT U Miagao Campus.

During their stay, these students had the chance to visit some of the external campuses of ISAT U, especially the Regional Yarn Production and Innovation Center at ISAT U Miagao Campus. They were also able to attend and be part of the celebration of the 118th University Foundation Anniversary. Before they went back to their respective countries, they experienced life and culture in Iloilo City by visiting historical and important places in the city and nearby municipalities.
The Student Exchange Program aims to enrich the students with academic and cross-cultural experience; expand the teaching and learning horizons of students, create opportunities for future mobility programs and collaborations, strengthen the working relationship between ISAT U and the participating universities and appreciate the value of international collaboration, understanding and empathy.