The winning team: (from left) Engr. Jomar A. Dador, Prof. Edrienne D. Veloso, Dr. Corazon C. Corbal, Prof. Christine Jamela Valsado and Prof. Andres Ortega.
The Extension Services Division (ESD) of the university garnered numerous awards in the paper presentation of completed extension projects during the 5th International Philippine Association of Extension Program Implementers, Inc. (PAEPI-GLOBAL) Convention held at De La Salle University, Manila on February 24, 2018.
Dr. Corazon C. Corbal, Dean of the College of Engineering and Architecture (CEA) and Prof. Adrienne D. Veloso, Head of the Extension Services Division, took the Best in Paper Presentation Award for the study “Effects of Busog, Lusog, Talino (BLT) School Feeding Program on Pupils’ Nutritional Status, Attendance and Academic Performance: Basis for Sustaining Collaboration.”
On the other hand, the project Improving School Achievement Through Unlimited Power Provision in the Island Schools (ISAT U PPIS) collared the Best in Paper Content Award. ISAT U PPIS is an extension project of the CEA that provides solar powered lamps to households in island-barangays in the Municipalities of Concepcion and Ajuy, Iloilo. Dr. Corbal and Engr. Jomar A. Dador, CEA Extension Coordinator, presented the project.
Meanwhile, the study Enabling Technology: Its Impact in Delivery of Lessons in the Classroom presented by Dr. Andres Ortega and Prof. Christine Jamela Valsado, extension coordinators of the College of Arts and Sciences and Computer Department respectively, was one of the finalists in the competition.