Dr. Raul F. Muyong (right) recieves the Certificate of Recognition from Dr. Wahid bin Razzaly, UTHM Vice-Chancellor at the Official Ceremony of the ATEF 2017.
Dr. Raul F. Muyong was elected Vice President of the Executives of the Asia TVET Experts Network (ATEN) during the Asia Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) of the Experts Forum (ATEF) 2017 held on July 17 -18 at KSL Hotel, Johor Baru, Malaysia.
The ATEN is an association that connects all experts in TVET in Asia. The joint body meet to discuss current issues related to TVET in higher education from time to time, and get involved in research grants or consultation projects related to TVET.
Other officers elected were President: Prof. Dr. Wahid bin Razzaly, Vice Chancellor, Universiti Tun Hussien Onn Malaysia (UTHM); Advisor I: Prof. Dr. Georg Spottl of the GIZ; Advisor 2: Dr. Ram Hari Lamichhane of Colombo Plan Staff College; and Secretary: Prof. Yusri Bin Yusof, UTHM.