Twelve 3rd year college students qualified as scholars under the 2016 Junior Level Science Scholarship (JLSS) Program of the Department of Science and Technology –Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI) after passing the October 16, 2016 national examination.
The passers under Republic Act 10612 Program are Jeano Claudine G. Balasabas-BS Electrical Engineering, Jessa Marie S. Bernales-BSE Mathematics, John Kayline C. Dejada-BSE Physical Science, Glenn Mark D. Fallera-BSE Physical Science, Randy L. Fenis-BSE Mathematics, Vincent F. Liaver-BSE Biological Science, Francis B. Planto-BS Infromation Technology, Helen Grace E. Sentina-BSE Biological Science, Kesser John S. Sibonga-BSE Physical Science, Shemariah F. Silla BSE Mathematics, and Mark Noel N. Torres. While Lloyd Vincent B. Sagabaen-BS Electrical Engineering is covered under the RA 7687 S&T Scholarship.
Republic Act 10612 or the ”Fast-Tracked Science and Technology Scholarship Act of 2013” and RA 7687 or the “Science and Technology Scholarship Act of 1994” award Bachelor of Science degree scholarships to students who wish to pursue priority fields of study in science, mathematics and engineering.

DOST VI Regional Director Engr. Rowen R. Gelonga
The qualifiers will enjoy tuition and other school fees not to exceed Php 10,000 per semester or Php 8,000 per term, textbook and school supplies allowance at Php 10,000 per school year. Those studying outside of their home province will also receive a round trip transportation fare monthly living allowance of Php 5,000 for a 10-11 month duration, group health and accident insurance and additional privilege during summer, if required in the curriculum.
DOST VI Regional Director Engr. Rowen G. Gelonga reiterated that the scholarship program is part of the department’s strategy to identify and nourish talented Filipino youth in science and technology, who can be the future front liners of a workforce that will bring about more breakthroughs in Philippine Science and Technology scenario.