Key university officials and officers of the Student Government lead the groundbreaking ceremony and the laying of capsule for the construction of the Student Service Center.
“On this site will rise the one stop shop facility for student services, “ Dr. Raul F. Muyong announced during the groundbreaking ceremony and the laying of capsule for the construction of the Student Service Center (SSC) Building at the new site on April 16, 2018.
The center will provide convenience and speed up students’ transactions. It is designed to facilitate a smooth flow of processing of requirements from enrollment to graduation. The SSC will act as convergence area for all offices catering to student’s affairs and services.
To provide accessibility and quick assistance, the front desk of the Office of the University Registrar and Admission (OURA) and the School Clinic will be strategically located at the ground floor of the SSC. More medical and dental facilities will be added to the clinic to accomodate patients from the campus and the community. It was also announced that the university will purchase a vehicle to be used in emergency cases.
The Office of the University Registrar, a conference room and a working area for the office staff will be assigned at the second floor alongside with the office of the Technovator (students’ publication). An Archive for the OURA will be provided for safe and orderly keeping of records.
The third floor will accommodate the Office of the Student Affairs and Services (OSAS), a conference room and the office of the OSAS Director. The Office of the Student Government and its session hall, a prayer room and a waiting lounge will also be provided in the area.
The assembly hall for students activities, the audio-visual control room and the National Service Training Program (NSTP) office will be situated at the fourth floor. Gardens assigned to the different colleges will be an additional feature of the assembly hall to create awareness on environmental concerns.

The perspective of the Student Service Center.
The 50-million peso facility will be equipped with elevator and two comfort rooms in every floor. A walkway leading to the access route that will connect the main campus and the new site will be constructed to protect the students from the elements of nature and the traffic hazards.
The SSC’s construction is expected to be completed in 2019.