Dr. Russ Allen B. Napud and Ms. Jieza J. Napone read on the metacards the recommendation of the stakeholders in the different areas . This year, the budget consultation was localized and the external campuses were given a chance to have their proposed budget.
A consultative stakeholders consultation for Fiscal Year 2021 was held simultaneously in all ISAT U campuses on January 30, 2020.
The meeting was pursuant to National Budget Memorandum NO. 133 directing the agencies to conduct consultation with RDC’s, CSO’s, Student/Faculty Associaition and PASUC and other stakeholders on the proposed strategies of the agency for new and expanded programs and projects.
Aside from the students and faculty, representatives from the administrative staff, alumni, College, Community, Parent and Teachers Association (CCPTA) were also invited. “Suppose to be, this is only for students and faculty but we also need the inputs of all the stakeholders, “ said Dr. Raul F. Muyong.
The consultation covered the areas of General Administration and Support Services, Support to Operation, Operations which include advanced education program, higher education program, research program and technical advisory extension program.