WVCST faculty held a workshop on Local and Institutional Evaluation Committee Workshop for NBC 461 6TH Cycle today, February 7, 2013.

                The workshop which was spearheaded by Dr. Carmelo V. Ambut, VP for Research and Extension, also involves Department heads from the main and external campuses of the college. It aims to develop an organized and time bound processing /submission of CCE and QCE documents needed for the NBC 6th Cycle Evaluation.

                One important reminder that was given by Dr. Ambut was to encourage each and every faculty member to submit their credentials for the re-evaluation without leaving out anybody behind. He clarified that this is not about monetary concern but it is for the advantage not only for one’s profile but for the College profile as well. It was also emphasized that if someone refuses to participate in the re-evaluation, he or she must sign a waiver.

                Also present in the workshop was Dr. Manuel A. Sanchez, OIC VP for Academic Affairs and Campus Administrator, who at the same time discussed about CCE and QCE and Dr. Nehema K. Misola, VP for Admin and Finance, who shed light on some important issues. Mr. Ned Cababasay, Head of the MIS Department was also present to talk about other important topics.

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