True to its commitment to the community, the Iloilo Science and Technology University hosted the bloodletting activity of the Philippine Army on March 9, 2024. This activity is part of the celebration of the 127th Anniversary of the Philippine Army. With the theme “Army @ 127: Strong Army, Strong Republic,” the Headquarters 604th ILO Community Defense Center conducted and participated in the Simultaneous Mustering and Blood Donation Drive at the ISAT U Multi-Purpose Education Center.

Participating in this undertaking are ROTC Cadets from the different ROTC Units including ISAT U ROTC Unit, and Army Reservists in the Province of Iloilo under the supervision of Lt. Col. Ryan S. Matutina, MI, PA, Director of the 604th Community Defense Center, 6th Regional Community Defense Group, Reserve Command, Philippine Army. This activity was conducted in partnership with ISAT U Safety, Security, Environment and Disaster Mitigation Management Office, headed by Engr. Christian D. Misola.

The main objective of the bloodletting activity is to generate ready-available blood units for the Philippine Army personnel, Reservists, and the ROTC Cadets. These personalities are among the priorities of this activity because when the need arises, they are among the responders in time of emergencies, calamities and crises. Dr. Gabriel M. Salistre, Jr., ISAT U President was also present during the opening program and gave his inspirational message.