The exchange students witness the signing of agreement of ISAT U with partner agency for industry immersion.
Five foreign students are on their cross country training and immersion at ISAT U. Four are under the SEAMEO TVET Student Exchange Program while one is a recipient of the American Field Service Scholarship.
The SEAMEO TVET students from Indonesia are Gilang Pangestu and Helmi Taufiq Alhakim who are taking up Informatics Management from Institute Pertanian Bogor University. The other two are Nabila Rozqia Novianda and Aulia Rizky Utami from Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya who are pursuing their Telecommunications and Mechatronics studies, respectively.
Italian Matilde Rou, on the other hand, is from Liceo Melchiorre Gioia, Italy. She joins the Philippine History and Filipino classes of the Laboratory School for her cultural immersion.
Given the chance to talk during the opening program, Miss Rou emphasized the opportunity to learn with the new students amidst different cultures, “meet them, talk to them and learn from them; share your opinion, ideas and culture.” According to her, communication is also important in bridging culture gaps. “The difference in culture is something we really need to look after. There are no impedes between cultures as long as people talk clearly and directly,” she added.
Trying to speak the native tongue, the Indonesians created an aura of lightness and a happy environment. Greeting the audience with “ Maayong aga,” Mr. Gilang Pangestu shows appreciation of a warm ISAT U accommodation he experiences, “the people in here are nice and kind also.” His expectations also generated smiles and giggles from the audience, “I did not expect the people here are so kind and so attractive; it must be fun to be with you and so much to learn from you and from the University.” Pangestu and Alhakim are assigned at the Management Information Service of ISAT U Miagao Campus.
The Memorandum of Agreement with the Sky Convergence, was also held during the opening program on September 3, 2019. Sky Convergence is the partner agency for Novianda and Utami’s training.
The University also sent two students to Malaysia and seven to Indonesia recently. Of the nine students, two are taking up Bachelor of Science in Education, four in BS Fashion Design and Merchandising, one in Bachelor in Industrial Technology major in Mechanical Technology and two in BS Food Technology from Miagao Campus.