The resource persons: Atty. Alexis Palomar-Tabino and Ms. Florabel Santacera-Suarez.
The third lecture forum on employees’ welfare and benefits held at the Mansion on January 10, 2019 focused on non-monetary benefits and wellness.
Atty. Alexis Palomar-Tabino discussed updates and latest issuances of the Civil Service Commission on non-monetary benefits like Expanded Maternity Leave, Rehabilitation Leave, Solo Parent benefits. Atty. Tabino is the Asst. Regional Director of Civil Service Commission Regional Office 6 and one of the resource persons of the lecture
Health and wellness in the workplace is another concern of the ISAT U administration. This year, stress management was given emphasis.
Ms. Florabel Santacera-Suarez, University Psychometrician of the Central Philippine University lectured on “Work and Well-being: A Stress Management and Self-Care Seminar for University Personnel.” She discussed on stress and its factors, the effect on the performance and the coping mechanisms. A series of relaxing mental and physical exercises were also taught to the participants.
The activity was also the venue for the University President, and the Vice Presidents for Administration and Finance and the Research and Extension to update the employees on the status of the university and what direction it is heading to.
In the President’s time, Dr. Raul F. Muyong presented the need for curriculum and syllabus revision, program compliance with policies, standards and guidelines of the CHEd, updates on new courses and new CHEd issuances The University was also granted by the Bureau of Immigration the authority to accept foreign students and the inauguration of the RYPIC.

The faculty, employees and staff have their time in asking questions and clarifying issues.
For the challenges, Dr. Muyong shared the strategic direction of every campuses. Miagao campus is planned to become industrial creative design campus because of the RYPIC while Leon Campus is for agricultural engineering and smart farming. Iloilo City Campus is positioned to be center of education, science, engineering and technology. Dumangas and Barotac Nuevo Campus is developed to for techno-preneurship programs. The University is also planning to offer textile technology. Talks and compliance are also being undertaken in preparation for the offering of environmental planning, environmental science, agricultural engineering, agri-cultural technology. ISAT U is also one of the few universities groomed to offer data science. Bio-technology, Bachelor of Arts in English Language are also included in the plans
“Due to proper budget utilization, ISAT U is one of the universities granted with highest budget for fiscal year 2020,” announced Dr. Muyong. Equitable distribution of resources for more infrastructure projects and additional facilities are among the top priorities of the administration. “Our budget will be equitably distributed- no campus will be left behind, we will grow together,” he said.
For administrative concerns, Dr. Gabriel M. Salistre, Jr. discussed the latest guidelines as tool for measuring the performance of the individual and the different units.
Dr. Carmelo V. Ambut, on the other hand, elaborated the need of every faculty to engage in research. He also presented the different fields of research needed by the community and the guidelines for research proposal, research presentation and the benefits of research to individual performance of the faculty.