Dr. Misola at the entrance of Alibaba Office.
Dr. Nehema K. Misola, Vice President for Administration and Finance, presented the initiatives and perspectives of ISAT U on e-commerce during the International Seminar on E-commerce Training at Hangzhou, China on June 26-28, 2017.
The forum was organized by China National E-commerce Vocational Steering Committee (NEVESC) in collaboration with Zhejiang Technical Institute of Economics (ZJTIE), a UNESCO-UNEVOC center . It aims to strengthen the relationship among partner institutions, consulting the e-commerce training for the young students throughout the world.
The delegates were policy makers, prominent entrepreneurs, and professionals in e-commerce. They discussed on how to share good educational resources and to train and reserve talents to meet the demand of global trade facilitation.

The participants take time to pose with Zhejian Technical Institute of Economics at the background.
Dr. Misola, also the UNEVOC Philippines-Visayas Center Coordinator and the only Filipino who attended the conference, presented the current state of E-commerce Law in the University, e-learning modules, Republic Act 8792 or the Philippines Electronic Commerce Act of 2002 and the challenges to be able to maximize such opportunities that e-commerce brings.
Aside from sharing ideas, the delegates were given a chance to visit the China-based Alibaba Group Offices, one of the biggest e-commerce platform in the world.