Dr. Raul F. Muyong, ISAT U President, receives from CHED Chair Patricia B. Licuanan the Plaque of Recognition for Center of Development in Teacher Education during awarding ceremony held on May 17, 2016 at CHED Central Office, Diliman, Quezon City. Dr. Asucena Asuncion Echaveria, Dean, College of Education (far left), stands beside the University President.
The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has designated Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) as Center of Development (COD) for Teacher Education.
In the CHED Memorandum Order (CMO) No. 17, s. 2016 issued by CHED Chairperson Patricia B. Licuanan on March 31, 2016, the COD status is valid for three years starting April 1, 2016 until December 31, 2018.
The COD distinction was awarded to the ISAT U Teacher Education program after passing the evaluation on the different parameters in the General criteria for Instructional Quality, Research and Publication, Institutional Qualification and Extension and Linkages conducted by the CHED Technical Panel for Teacher Education. It is granted to an institution with the potential to provide excellent education as evidenced by the above average performance in three areas.

Commissioner Maria Cynthia Rose Bautista, Chair-Designate of the ISAT U Board of Regents poses with Dr. Muyong and Dr. Echaveria during the awarding ceremony at CHED Central Office.
As Center of Development, the ISAT U College of Education is now in the priority list for support and development. It can now avail of financial assistance on a project proposal basis geared towards the development or improvement of the program, particularly cutting-edge technology in teacher education.
During the awarding ceremony, CHED Chairperson Licuanan stressed that Centers of Excellence (COE) and Centers of Development (COD) are envisioned to become centers of graduate education and research in their field of strength. She added that these Centers have been identified as delivering institutions to support faculty development for the K-12 transition.
Other recipients of the COD for Teacher Education Programs in Western Visayas are University of San Agustin and Central Philippine University.