The accreditors check on the compliance of the different areas of accreditation.
Fifteen programs of the five ISAT U campuses pass the assessment of the Accrediting Agency for Chartered College and Universities of the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc. in a survey visit conducted on November 19-23, 2018.
At Iloilo City Campus, the Doctor of Education major in Educational Management and the Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Technology (BSHRT) passed the Level III (Phase I) accreditation.
On the other hand, the Master in Mathematics, Doctor in Industrial Technology (majors in Electrical Technology, Mechanical Technology, Civil Technology), and the Master of Industrial Technology passed the Level II re-accreditation .
The BS HRT and Bachelor in Industrial Technology (BIT) majors in Automotive Technology, Electrical Technology, Electronics Technology, and Architectural Drafting Technology at Barotac Nuevo Campus were awarded Level II re-accreditation status.
At Miagao Campus, the BS in Information Technology, BSHRT, BS in Electrical Technology, BS in Electronics Technology, BS in Automotive Technology, BIT (majors in Architectural Drafting Technology, Cosmetology, Fashion and Apparel Technology, Food Technology, HVAC-R Technology, WAF Technology) passed the Phase I of two for Level III accreditation while the Bachelor of Elementary Education passed the Level II re-accreditation.
The BS in Agriculture (majors in Agricultural Education, Crop Science, Animal Science and Agro-forestry) at Leon Campus was also awarded a Level II re-accreditation status.