To keep the bonding strong and to reminisce the good old days, the Western Visayas College of Science and Technology Retirees Association (WVCST-RA) held its 4th Annual General Assembly and election of officers on August 12, 2016 at the ISAT U New Board Room.

The retirees pay a visit at the Office of the University President
In his message, ISAT U President Dr. Raul F. Muyong expressed his gratitude and acknowledgment to the contributions of the retirees to the growth and development of the school. The retirees are considered as pillars of ISAT U, formerly WVCST. He also said the university officials would soon be seeking the retirees’ valuable advices for the enhancement of the institution. Dr. Muyong also assured the retirees of the University’s support to the association.
The University President also shared the plans and projects which will be materialized soon. Among them is the completion of the two new buildings, one intended for the College of Education and the other in the new site. Dr. Muyong also emphasized the need for an overpass along Burgoz Street that will connect the two campuses to ensure the safety of the students from passing vehicles and for their convenience during rainy days.
The WVCST-RA also gives value to the well-being of their members. True to the theme, “Bonding Together for a Fruitful Life ”, the retirees invited the Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (Philhealth) to discuss the implementing guidelines of Republic Act 7875 or the National Health Insurance Act and its benefits to the retirees and the senior citizens.
The retirees held the elections and Dr. Expedito O. Seneres was elected President of the WVCST-RA.