“Hilot” wellness massage skills demonstration is observed closely by the participants.
Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) hosted the Council of Deans and Heads in Home Economics and Livelihood Education of the Philippines, Inc. (CODHHELEP) 2nd National Training and Seminar Workshop on October 20-22, 2016 at the Ed Tech Center, ISAT U.
The workshop aimed to enhance the teaching competencies on the development of outcome-based education teaching learning plan, develop skills in food processing, beauty and health care and provide a venue for the sharing of best practices in addressing issues and concerns of the discipline and the profession.

The participants listen intently to lectures and discussions.
With the theme “Upgrading Skills and Improving Lives Towards Asean Integration,” the three-day activity featured simultaneous skills demonstration and series of lectures, fora and group discussions.
ISAT U Prof. Edith P. Gonzales and Dr. Merlinda T. Tucar with assessors of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) led the demonstration on nail care and hilot wellness massage. Part time Instructor Ms. Cielo Mirasol of the Hotel and Restaurant Department showcased the food and beverage services while the proper housekeeping demonstration was handled by TESDA assessor Dr. Virginia Parreno and the Home Economics Section.
Other skills featured were the processing of coco water vinegar by ISAT U’s Prof. Adrienne D. Veloso; homemade ice cream, Prof. Hermelina M. Saladar and Prof. Gleceria G. Bello of Aklan State University, eggplant cookies; and Prof. Rick John Solar of the University of San Agustin, Iloilo City, malunggay juice.
Topics in the symposium included outcome based education in Home Economics that focused on Asean Integration, updates in outcome based teaching learning K-12 Curriculum in Technical-Vocational track and competency skills in food processing, health care and beauty products. The preparation in the outcome based teaching learning plan was conducted in the group sessions.
The workshop was attended by teachers, deans, and department heads of home economics and technology educators from higher learning institutions, Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) and Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP) from both public and private elementary and secondary schools nationwide.

Dr. Alma I. Irader, CODHHELEP President, answers questions during the open forum.
TESDA Regional Director Toni June Tamayo was the keynote speaker. He stressed on the importance of upgrading the skills of educators in order to be competitive with our ASEAN neighbors.
Conference over-all coordinator and CODHHELEP Vice Pres. Dr. Merlinda T. Tucar said that the conference will help the Home Economics, Technology and Livelihood Education, instructors in upgrading their skills and in addressing issues and concerns of home economics and livelihood education towards ASEAN Integration.
See related photos
- CODHHELEP Officers with ISAT U Dr. Raul F. Muyong (third from left) and Mr. Franscisco Heller (representative of Iloilo Governor Arthur Defensor) during the opening program.
- Dr. Raul F. Muyong encourages the participants to come up with programs that could address the needs towards Asean Integration.
- Ms. Cielo Mirasol of the HRT listens to a participant raising a point on food and beverages services.
- Professor Rick John Solar (USA-Iloilo) in malunggay juice making. Output for food processing is presented for tasting, critiquing and suggestions.