Dr. Raul F. Muyong talks on Effective Students Services: Showcasing ISAT U Best Practices.” during the Adults Leaders Program of the Youth Lead Philippines leadership camp.
Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) co-sponsored the Fourth Philippine Transformative Approaches to Innovative Leadership (TRAIL) Summer Camp Iloilo Leg and hosted the venue for the Adult Leaders Program on April 10-17, 2016.
The event was organized by Youth Lead Philippines and endorsed by the Department of Education, Commission on Higher Education and National Anti-Poverty Commission. It was attended by more than 500 youth and adult leaders from the country’s leading learning institutions and youth organizations. The purpose of TRAIL is to equip the youth and adult leaders with the right skills and values to make their leadership more meaningful and dynamic using transformative approaches.

Dr. Susan Marie R. De La Cruz, Director of Students Affairs and Services, gives a message in the leadership camp’s offsite breakout session.
Youth leaders who are mostly officers of student organizations and student governments and publications engaged in various activities and listened to talks centered on visionary leadership and leaders as system designers. Adult leaders, on separate sessions held at ISAT U HRT Hotel , shared ideas on effective leadership and management geared towards the benefit of the youth and their respective institutions.
Dr. Raul F. Muyong, ISAT U President and Dr. Susan Marie R. De La Cruz, Director of Students Affairs and Services, were among the speakers in the offsite breakout session for adult leaders. Dr. Muyong discussed on “Effective Student Services: Showcasing Iloilo Science and Technology University Best Practices.”

Dr. Olive Joy. G. Abing, Co-coordinator for the Adult Leadership Program, shares some insights to the participants.
The consultants of the event were the University’s top officials namely: Dr. Muyong, Dr. Nehema K. Misola, VP for Administration and Finance; Dr. Manuel A. Sanchez,Jr., VP for Academic Affairs; Dr. Carmelo V. Ambut, VP for Research and Extension; and Dr. Susan Marie R. De La Cruz, Dean of Students Affairs and Services. Dr. Olive Joy G. Abing who chaired the Steering Committee is also a co-coordinator for the Adult Leaders Program.
The ISAT U delegates bagged the 100 Percent Attendance Award as the Camp activities closed.
The University is the first venue of the TRAIL Summer Camp outside of Luzon.
See photos on Youth Lead Philippines Summer Camp