Mrs. Eleonor D. Gregorio, GSIS Branch Manager, explains the agency’s new policies and guidelines.
The Human Resource Department held a lecture-forum on employees’ welfare in government service for all permanent employees of the different ISAT U campuses on October 23, 2017 at the Amigo Terrace Hotel, Iloilo City.
The activity aimed to elevate ISAT U human resource management to a level of excellence through assessment, assistance and awarding processes of Human Resource Management (HRM) Systems, Practices and Competencies using Human Resource maturity level indicators that are at par with global HRM standards.
During the President’s time, Dr. Raul F. Muyong discussed the details and mechanics of the Free Higher Education Act, the upcoming Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC) Culture and Arts Festival and the State Colleges and Universities Athletic Association (SCUAA) meet. He also reminded the employees to observe immediate submission of liquidation report. Other matters taken up by the president were the performance based bonus, and the proposed courses already issued with CHED Memorandum Orders.
Mr. Bonnie S. Arenal, HRMO III, underlined the need for government employees to be informed on the benefits they are entitled so that they would be able to decide on their engagement in government service.
Dr. Gabriel M. Salistre, Vice President for Administration and Finance, talked on the salary and other benefits of an employee, the Executive Order No. 201, s. 2016 modifying the salary schedule for civilian government personnel and authorizing the grant of additional benefits for both civilian and military and uniformed personnel, and the enhanced Performance Based Bonus (PBB).
The activity also focused on rewards and recognition which is one of the four areas of the Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management (PRIME-HRM). It was also a venue for ISAT U employees to understand the latest issuance of CSC, DBM and GSIS on rewards and promotions.
Mrs. Maila S. Alparaque, HRMO I, discussed the loyalty service updates. Meanwhile, Mrs. Enieda G. Corona, Chief Administrative Officer, elaborated on the Civil Service Commission (CSC) latest issuances particularly on the Omnibus Rules on Appointment and other Human Resource Actions (ORAOHRA).
In her lecture and in the open forum, Mrs. Eleonor D. Gregorio, GSIS Branch Manager, enlightened the audience on the benefits and other concerns on GSIS implementing guidelines.
The lecture on planning a retirement by Dr. Rosemarie P. Prudente, retired ISAT U CAS dean, concluded the day’s activity.