Top university officials witness the signing of the collective negotiation agreement (CNA).
To update the faculty on the University’s achievements and plans, and to provide a venue for airing their concerns, a General Faculty Conference was held on November 4, 2016 at the Educational Technology (EdTech) Center .
The conference’s main agenda were the offering of nine new programs for school year 2018-2019, updates on the latest meeting of the Board of Regents (BOR), administrative, research, extension services and academic concerns, and the Collective Negotiation Agreement (CNA).
Dr. Manuel K. Sanchez. Jr. announced that University will offer Bachelor of Arts in Guidance and Counselling, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Home Economics, Bachelor of Science in Biology Technology, Bachelor of Science in Tourism, Bachelor in Cruise ship Management, Master in Information Technology, Master in Information System and Master of Science and Technology Livelihood Education as soon as all requirements are complied with the

ISAT U Faculty at the general meeting.
Matters taken up during the last meeting of the Board of Regents (BOR) was presented by Dr. Raul F. Muyong, University President. He informed the faculty that the proposed increase in students insurance, radio frequency identification or RF ID and the student teaching fee was deferred by the BOR for the next meeting pending compliance of some requirements. The BOR, on the other hand, approved the purchase of the service vehicle for the Barotac Nuevo Campus and the motorcycle requested by the Automotive Department.
Dr. Muyong also presented the 2016 State Universities and Colleges (SUC) leveling evaluation conducted by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Regional Office VI. He said that ISAT U received 35.55 points which is above the minimum points required for a Level IV university. He also reported that the University’s over-all performance in the September 2016 Professional Licensure Examination for Electrical Engineers and Registered Master Electrician is higher than the national passing rate.
The President assured the faculty that infrastructure projects (research hub phase 2 and overpass to connect the main campus with the new site) and other developments will continue despite the 28 million decrease in the budget for Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) for 2017. He further expressed his hope that Congress will consider the SUCs appeal to retain last year’s budget.
Other matters discussed were the scheduled Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines, Inc. (AACCUP) accreditation training and the in-house trainings specifically on the transition from International Standard Organization (ISO):2008 to ISO: 2015. The university also gears for the application of the College of Engineering and Architecture (CEA) as Center of Development.
Discipline and responsibility were also emphasized. Vice President for Administration and Finance Dr. Nehema K. Misola encouraged all teachers to observe orderliness in the laboratory room, strictly switch off electric lights and facilities after classes, properly monitor classes, wear ID at all times, properly dispose garbage and park motorcycles in parking areas and submit bids documents and quotations on time.
Vice President for Research and Extension Services (VPRE) Dr. Carmelo V. Ambut reminded the faculty on the importance of research in any science and technology institutions. He shared his experiences and gave the overview of researches and research facilities of higher learning institutions abroad. Dr. Ambut was saddened that the Philippines lagged behind from other countries in research undertakings.

Dr. Raul F. Muyong and Engr. Jonathan Antiquiera sign the CNA.
Dr. Ambut also highlighted ISAT U’s efforts to conduct studies during the meeting. The on-going funded research programs being conducted are the Bioactive Hyaluronic Acid from Heads of Silver Whiting for Nutraceutical Use” Phase II (P6.2 millon, USAID-STRIDE); Valorization of Brown Seaweeds Through Alginate Extraction for Fruit and Fish Postharvest Preservation (P6.2 million, USAID-STRIDE), S Turbine Development Project ( 1 million, USAID) ; Prototype Rescue Boat (P200 thousand, DOST).
Dr. Muyong added that the University Research Services Division organized the First International Research Congress set on November 30- December 2, 2016. It is expected that the conference will become a venue for local and international researchers to share their knowledge for the advancement of science and technology.
The collective negotiation agreement (CNA) between the administration and the employees union was another highlight of the meeting. After a series of negotiations, Dr. Raul F. Muyong representing the administration and Engr. Jonathan Antiqueira, President of the Faculty Employees Federation Inc. (FEFI), signed the CNA.