Dr. Raul F. Muyong visits the office of CHEd Chair J. Prospero E. De Vera III after his reappointment as ISAT U President.
Dr. Raul F. Muyong was unanimously reappointed President of the Iloilo Science and Technology University for another four-year term by the Board of Regents upon the recommendation of the Evaluation Committee that assessed his performance from 2015 to 2018.
With no objections, the Board of Regents passed Special Board Resolution No. 01, Series of 2019 for his reappointment. CHEd Chair J. Prospero E. De Vera III signed the reappointment for four years commencing on August 5, 2019 to August 4, 2023.
When he was installed as the first president of the institution after its conversion into a University, Dr. Raul F. Muyong made a promise to unite the different campuses of ISAT U under one system.
In his address during his investiture rites on September 2015 he said, “My dream is to have one ISAT U. We maybe have different campuses, colleges, or departments, but we are ONE ISAT U with ONE Vision and aspirations.”
Under his leadership, “One System, One Policy” was implemented. Infrastructures and physical development was visible in all campuses. The equitable distribution of the university budget was also implemented. Opportunities for faculty and staff development were also strengthened to benefit more employees. Active involvement of the external campuses in decision making was also intensified.
The external campuses lauded the efforts of Dr. Muyong for the uniform benefits in the implementation of the Collective Negotiation Agreement incentives.
The four years of the Muyong administration saw a tremendous infrastructure, physical and students’ development in all campuses.
The Research Hub not only establishes the identity of ISAT U as the only science and technology university in the region but also added a boost to research and development goal of the university. The 45-million facility now houses the USAID-granted facilities and the fabrication laboratory of the Department of Trade and Industry.

The completion of the University Library (above) and the ongoing construction of the Student Service Center are two of the major infrastructure projects of the ISAT U under the leadership of Dr. Raul F. Muyong.
Other facilities are the 3-storey New Science Building or the N-Building (Php 38.6 million) that houses the College of Education; the Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) Building (Php 24.5 million) that serves as instructional facility and laboratory of Hotel and Restaurant Technology and TLE Students.
Two other facilities are on their way to completion. Dr. Muyong initiated the construction of the Student Service Center (Php 48, 164, 706.08), a one-stop-shop enrolment to employment facility. Once completed, the Student Service Center will house all offices that cater to frontline services of the students and facilities for students’ activities and programs. On the other hand, the completion of the state-of –art library (Php 42.3 million) is within reach. It features modern facilities for learning.
A 14-million pesos access route was also constructed and will soon connect the main campus to the new site.
The idle space in the third floor of the administration building was also converted into offices of the Vice President for Administration and Finance, Bids and Awards Committee, Internal Audit Office, Legal office and Public Information Office.
The major projects at the external campuses are: Barotac Nuevo – Industrial Technology Building; Dumangas- Administration Building and Mini-hotel; Leon- Rehabilitation and Expansion of the Library; Miagao- PE Fitness center and HRT Service Center. The University also procured 2 service vehicles for Barotac and Dumangas Campuses.
The Integrated Income and Revenue Generating Projects (IIRGP) was also intensified. When Dr. Muyong started as President in 2015, the income of the University soared from Php 9,826,939.00 to Php 15, 420, 231.77 (63.73%) in 2018. Part of the proceeds from the IIRGP was used to purchase a Php 5.5650 6-seater school bus, the first in ISAT U.
Under the Muyong administration major offices were created and linkages were broadened.
The Office of the Vice President for External Affairs (VPEA) was created and tasked to take charge of all International and National Affairs of the University. Under the VPEA are the offices of the International and National Affairs, Alumni Affairs and the Industry and Linkages Development Office.
To ensure management control and to conduct operation audit, the University created the Internal Audit Service Office (IAS). Among other functions, the IAS conducts management performance audit of the functions, programs, projects, activities of the University and its compliance. The office is also tasked to analyze and evaluate management deficiencies and assist top level management by recommending realistic course of action.
The Legal Services Office and the Public Information Office were additional units formed to beef up the University operations.

The Multi-powered Drying System for Food Processing (right) has provided uninterrupted production of seaweeds crackers even during the rainy days as compared to the traditional ways (left).
As one of the major areas of services, Dr. Muyong gives emphasis to the impact of researches to the community.
Two of the four USAID funded projects were already turned over to the community and had already created significant contributions to the livelihood of the beneficiaries.
The Multi- powered Drying System for Food Processing helped in providing a continuous production of seaweeds crackers among the locals of Brgy Tiabas, San Dionisio, Iloilo even during inclement weather. On the other hand, the S-Turbine project augment the water supply of the members of Cabacanan Multi-Purpose Farmers multi-Purpose Cooperative at Alimodian, Iloilo.
Meanwhile, the study on the Extraction of Hyaluronic Acid on Silver Whiting Head is completed and on the process of technology transfer while the Research on Valorization of Brown Seaweeds is on the process of completion.
The DOST has also funded three projects and these are the Design and Development of Programmable Dehydrator Machines for Herbal Tea Products (P4,993,905.00), Development of Food and Health Supplements and Bioactive Fucoidants (P235, 000.00), Development of Green Packaging Technology Using Eco-Friendly Materials for Rice and Other Commodities (P4, 929,172.00).
The 13 externally-funded researches have a total grants of Php 99, 225,713.00.
Seven researches were given Best Paper Award while 1 invention, 3 utility models, 7 industrial designs and 9 copyrights were registered with Intellectual Property Office.
On extension services, 280 extension programs were organized and conducted with 293 partners that trained 32, 321 clientele. Since 2015 until 2018 the budget allocation for extension services was Php 21, 418, 613.82.
Research and innovation is always in the bucket list of the university president. Two major partnerships that focused on research and innovation are being undertaken.
The ISAT U and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) launched the first Western Visayas Fabrication Laboratory. The 7-million Iloilo Center for Design, Prototyping and Modelling Equipment sits at the Research Hub.
Recently, the university partnered with the DOST-PTRI for the establishment of the Regional Yarn Production and Innovation Center (RYPIC). The RYPIC is the first regional facility of the PTRI.
Academic programs were revised and aligned with the new Policies, Standards and Guidelines issued by the Commission on Higher Education (CHEd).
New programs were offered and approved. The offerings of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management, Bachelor in Human Services, Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship, Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education and the Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education were already implemented. The proposed BS Biology will be subjected to CHEd evaluation.
Dr. Raul F. Muyong untiringly pushes for quality education. His effort paid off as the University produced four (4) PRC licensure examination topnotchers. ISAT U institutional performance is mostly higher than the national passing percentage.
Aside from academic excellence, the University displays its dominance in the field of arts. In 2018, three major awards were bagged in the MetroBank Arts and Design Excellence (MADE) Awards and the Grand Prize in the T shirt Design Competition of the 2018 Vision Petron National Student Art Competition.
The teacher education program was recognized as the Center of Development by the CHEd in 2016. Recently, ISAT U

Dr. Raul F. Muyong receives the Plaque of Recognition from then CHEd Commissioner Patricia B. Licuanan for the teachers education program as Center of Development.
received the Certificate of Recognition as the Higher Education Institution with the most number of Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC) in the region.
Last year, the Civil Service Commission awarded a Certificate of Recognition to the University for achieving the Maturity Level II of the PRIME HRM Program.
The Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc. awarded ISAT U a Special Citation as Rank No. 3 in terms of percentage of accredited programs (1992-2008).
A Certificate of Recognition was also awarded by the Government Quality Management Committee on 2016 for achieving the goal of the Government Quality Management Program (GQMP) to strengthen the institutional capabilities in delivering citizen-focused public services and in implementing international standards-based quality management system.
ISAT U is also a recipient of the Emerald Award by AJA Registrars, Inc. .
Under the leadership of Dr. Muyong, the University obtained Level III status of the AACCUP and all its campuses the ISO 9001:2015 Certification.
To assure delivery of quality education regular accreditation of different programs were also conducted. Currently, 4 programs were submitted for Level IV accreditation. 13 programs are Level III accredited, 29, Level II and 1 program in Level 1 status.