The ISAT U Board of Regents approves the implementation of modified academic policies amidst COVID-19 pandemic during the virtual 1st Quarter Meeting.
In view of Covid 19 pandemic and in compliance with CHEd-COVID Advisory No. 6, the ISAT U Board of Regents (BOR) approved Board Resolution No. 10-2020 for the Modified Academic Policies for Implementation for the 2nd Semester of Academic Year 2019-2020.
The resolution schedules the last day of classes for the 2nd Semester of AY 2019-2020 on May 29 this year. Faculty members are also directed to conduct work from home arrangement utilizing alternative modes of teaching and assessment while the students remain in their respective homes.
The faculty are also instructed to exercise maximum consideration and leniency in giving grades with modified requirements without compromising the learning outcomes.
See Office Memo No. 089 s.2020
Summer and mid-year classes will not be offered on June-July 2020 both for undergraduate and graduate programs. Regular summer classes for undergraduate programs will be offered during the AY 2020-2021. Pre-requisites maybe considered as co-requisites. Students will also be allowed maximum overload during AY 2020-2021.
For Thesis/ Dissertation requirements for undergraduates, the pre-oral defense grade will be the basis in giving the final grade and final defense is no longer a requirement. The Thesis/Dissertation final defense for graduate studies programs is extended until May 29, 2020. Submission of hard bound copies of Thesis/Dissertation prior to graduation is suspended. However hard bound copies will be required for the release of Transcript of Records (TOR), Diploma and Exit Clearance.
For, the internship program, the Student Internship Program (SIP) Coordinator is assigned to assess and evaluate the performance and outputs of student trainees and in computation and submission of their grades. The maximum residency requirement for students is suspended for this semester only.
As to the graduation ceremonies, no in-person Commencement Exercises will be conducted for this Academic Year. Virtual Commencement Exercises across campuses is also considered. Graduating students are also allowed to join the Commencement Exercises during the AY 2020-2021. Academic honors will still be awarded to qualified graduating students.